Dewitt Clinton Lodge #141 is a group of good, upstanding men from Goochland and the surrounding areas. We meet the 3rd Thursday of each month. A dinner is served at 6:30 and we meet for our “stated” meetings at 7:30 PM. All Master Masons of good standing are welcome to attend. If you’re interested in joining Masonry, feel free to join us for dinner and get to know the Brothers. Or fill out the contact form and our secretary will contact you. Perspective Masons should be of good moral character, pass a background check, and believe in a Higher Power. Do not let a small past discretion deter you from the background check. Lots of people made stupid mistakes in their past. What matters is the type of man you are now, and what type of man you choose to be in the future.
Masonry is a Brotherhood of men under the Fatherhood of God. Lodges are present in almost every country around the world. Men of every faith, creed, and belief can attend lodge together. Politics and religion are not permitted in lodge. Divisive topics are replaced by something we can agree upon: Fellowship and Brotherly Love.